The Character & Attributes of Satan

2 Corinthians 11:14 “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” (ESV)

Why does Satan do what he does?

What are Satan’s abilities?

What are Satan’s motives?

What are Satan’s goals?

Satan desires to elevate his image above God’s image, by blinding and blurring our view of the image of God.

The Evil One opposes you enjoyment, worship, and growth into God’s image.

The Devil’s goal is to blend your image into his image, deceiving you into imitating his character rather than God’s character.

1.Singular Being (vs. God’s Trinitarian Unity)

2. Limited Beauty (vs. God’s Absolute Beauty)

3. Cursed (vs. God as Blessed)

4. Created (vs. God as Creator & Prexistent)

5. Source of Death (vs. God as Source of Life)

6. Fallen (vs. God’s Divinity)

7. Everlasting Destruction (vs. God from Everlasting)

8. Faithless (vs. God as Faithful)

9. Enslaving (vs. God’s Freedom)

10.Evil (vs. God’s Goodness)

11. Condemning (vs. God as Gracious & Merciful)

12.Unholy (vs. God’s Holiness)

13.Dependent (vs. God’s Independence)

14.Guilty (vs. God’s Innocence)

15.Competitive (vs. God’s Right Jealousy)

16.Judged (vs. God’s as Judge

17.Hidden (vs. God as Knowable)

18.Hate (vs. God is Love)

19.Limited Power (vs. God’s Omnipotence)

20.Limited Presence (vs. God’s Omnipresence)

21.Limited Knowledge (vs. God’s Omniscience)

22.Sinful (vs. God is Perfect)

23.Wicked (vs. God is Righteous)

24.Rebellious (vs. God is Sovereign)

25.Weak (vs. God’s Strength)

26.Deceitful (vs. God as Truthful)

27.Manipulative (vs. God is Unchangeable)

28.Foolish (vs. God is Wise)

29.Worthless (vs. God is Worthy)

30.Under Wrath (vs. God’s Wrath Upon Sin)